Google Study Jams Thessaloniki & Athens

YET was happy to co-host Google Study Jams, in Thessaloniki and Athens, February to April 2019. At Cloud Study Jams, Google community members and all participants were trained on the fundamental tools and capabilities of Google Cloud. In Thessaloniki there were six sessions on DATA, ML (Machine Learning), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Deploying Apps & Kubernetes […]
Thessaloniki Maritime Economic Forum 2019 – “The Economy of Shipping and Blue Development in Thessaloniki & the Value of Education and Vocational Training”

Thessaloniki Maritime Economic Forum, an initiative of non-profit associations and citizens of Thessaloniki, organized 5 April 2019 the first Conference on «Shipping and Blue Economy Opportunities in Thessaloniki & the value of Education and vocational training». The Conference was hosted by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), Pylaia-Thessaloniki. The forum aimed […]