Student Pitch Judging at City College

We were happy to be invited to attend a Pitching event at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, Thessaloniki. Business Department Students presented their apps/webapps relating to tourism focused solutions and applications. We had the opportunity to attend several innovative concept notes and business plans, and touch upon their views and ideas on what […]

Praxis Series – Resume drafting workshop

YET was glad to kick off a new cooperation with the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce – HACC, NY, USA,  with the first Praxis Series online event! The seminar focused on Resume drafting tips for both sides of the Atlantic.  #resume #cv #cvtips #hr #recruiting #yetngo

YET Digital Transformation guest lecture at City College

We were glad to present YET as a case study of Digital Transformation for City College, University of York Europe Campus Business Administration & Economics Department students! YET’s presentation focused on various processes, digital applications and tools we use everyday to communicate with partners globally, to manage projects, to promote and disseminate our work at […]

MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) Startup session

YET was happy to host a guest lecture session for the MSc Course MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) offered by City College, University of York Europe Campus and Școala Națională De Studii Politice Și Administrative, in Romania. Our startup guest for the session was Oviview (a video-interviewing platform that connects professionals with applicants). Oviview […]