EU-TeachPaaS EU Project website & social media launch

EU-TeachPaaS (Pan-EU network of digital education passport centres in higher education) Erasmus+ EU Project is now online! Official website and social media are waiting for you to visit them and find out more about our project, news and updates about it! TeachPaaS website TeachPaaS Facebook page TeachPaaS Linkedin page #digitalskills #digitaleducation #digitalcompetences #skillsdevelopment #euprojects #inclusiveeducation […]
digiLEAP EU Project website & social media launch

Our digiLEAP (Digitally Shifting EU’s Law & Legal Studies’ Content in Higher Education) EU Erasmus+ Project just got its official website and social media channels! Stay tuned to follow our news and updates! digiLEAP website digiLEAP Facebook page digiLEAP Linkedin page #digiLEAP #EUproject #Erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus #digitalskills #digitaltransformation #law #lawstudies #yetngo
RRIstart EU Project website & social media launch

We are happy to announce the official website of our EU Horizon Project RRIstart (Responsible Research & Innovation Model for Impact investment & Responsible Startups) is online. We will be providing updates and news through it and also through the official project social media accounts. RRIstart website RRIstart Twitter account RRIstart Facebook page RRIstart LinkedIn […]