Thessaloniki Maritime Economic Forum 2019 – “The Economy of Shipping and Blue Development in Thessaloniki & the Value of Education and Vocational Training”

Thessaloniki Maritime Economic Forum, an initiative of non-profit associations and citizens of Thessaloniki, organized 5 April 2019 the first Conference on «Shipping and Blue Economy Opportunities in Thessaloniki & the value of Education and vocational training». The Conference was hosted by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), Pylaia-Thessaloniki. The forum aimed […]

World Maritime Day 2017 – Connecting Ships, Ports, People-Thessaloniki’s Gate

On the occasion of International Maritime Organization’s-IMO’s World Maritime Day, the European Parliament’s office in Greece and TIF (Thessaloniki International Fair – H.E.L.E.X.P.O jointly organized the conference “Connecting Ships, Ports, People-Thessaloniki’s Gate”, Wednesday 27th of September in Thessaloniki, in TIF. Starting with a very broad agenda and important speakers from different fields related with the […]