Interreg Greece-Bulgaria SEA virtual Kick off meeting

Virtual Kick off meeting for another EU project! Our Interreg Greece-Bulgaria Project just took off! Project SEA (Smart Cross-border Entrepreneurship Accelerator) is an ambitious cross-border project pursuing tangible and sustainable results. The project’s main objective is to improve the regional business support system and empower the untapped entrepreneurial potential of the area with skills and […]
EU Project RRIstart – Virtual Kick-off meeting

We were glad to kick-off online early March our latest Horizon2020 approved EU Project. RRIstart (A Responsible Research & Innovation Model for Impact investment & Responsible Startups) responds to the EU efforts to foster impact investment (investment that delivers social, environmental and economic benefits) by developing an innovative RRI-based model for startups, complemented by an […]
MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) Startup session

YET was happy to host a guest lecture session for the MSc Course MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) offered by City College, University of York Europe Campus and Școala Națională De Studii Politice Și Administrative, in Romania. Our startup guest for the session was Oviview (a video-interviewing platform that connects professionals with applicants). Oviview […]
German Digital Information Trip

YET was happy to participate at the Greece – Germany Digital information trip 2020, organised by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The aim of this online networking trip was to bring together Greek and German startups to facilitate possible collaboration. YET participated as […]