EU Project Activate your strengths – Digital Youth Exchange

YET was happy to participate in “Activate your strengths“ Erasmus+ Project. The first part of the project was supposed to take place in Berlin but due to the pandemic all the partners were positive to host the weekly event online. The digital Youth Exchange hosted 30 young people from Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Spain and […]
3rd ReTraCE ESR Training School on “Innovative Bottom-up Circular Economy Business Models”

ReTraCE is a research project funded by Horizon 2020 EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks that aims to support the implementation of the European Commission’s Circular Economy strategy. The 3rd ReTraCE Network School (7th – 11th December 2020) on “Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy” focused on innovative business models for the promotion […]