3rd ReTraCE ESR Training School on “Innovative Bottom-up Circular Economy Business Models”

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ReTraCE is a research project funded by Horizon 2020 EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks that aims to support the implementation of the European Commission’s Circular Economy strategy.

The 3rd ReTraCE Network School (7th – 11th December 2020) on “Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy” focused on innovative business models for the promotion of Circular Economy through a bottom-up approach. 

The Training School was concluded with ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) pitching their circular startup ideas in front of a panel of investors and business angels. YET Founder Mr. Vassilis Tsoulis was invited to this panel to provide thought-provoking feedback and share ideas for the next steps of the proposed projects.

#retrace_itn #startup #startups #businessmodels #entrepreneurs #innovation #training #network #horizon2020 #yetngo 

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