Seminar: Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs
The Seminar on “Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs” took place on Thursday, 12Th of October 2017, at Ypsilon Thessaloniki Working Spaces. Our guest speaker Ms. Mohamed Geraldez, started the event with a presentation focusing on how to turn a failure into a step towards success and how to utilize the new trends of 21st century to […]
3 day event & networking marathon in Rhodes on Entrepreneurship and NGOs
YET celebrated its first presence in South Aegean with a 3 day event marathon on entrepreneurship and NGO networking. Nothing of all that could be done without our great partners “House of Europe in Rhodes”, an ngo with huge experience and dozens of events and initiatives on youth issues in Greece and abroad. The networking […]
Entrepreneurship Roadtrip Germany
YET participated in an informative and networking trip to Germany. The porgramme was an initiative by the Greek office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. We had the opportunity to meet with key institutions and companies (Union of German Chambers of Commerce, Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart Economic Development Department, Technology and Innovation Park Jena, Jenoptik, Federal […]
Thessaloniki-Dresden Initiative II
Cooperation between Thessaloniki – Dresden NGOs took one more step. This time 5 German representatives of NGOs visited Thessaloniki. The program the Greek team had prepared included matching meetings with 10 more local based NGOs, meetings with local institutions and also a taste of Thessaloniki’s unique traditional and modern kitchen, history and culture. The visit […]