entreneet Certification Centre

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We are proud to announce that the #entreneet EU Erasmus+ Project is unveiling its Certification Centre this Monday, July 1st, 2024!

Available in English, Romanian, Spanish, and Greek, the Certification Centre is dedicated to advancing entreneet project mission: “Digital and sustainable enterprising skills for NEETs from marginalized communities.”

Discover Our Modules & Certifications:

  • Module 1: Digital & Sustainable Enterprising Skills for NEETs
  • Module 2: Integration and Community Engagement Skills for NEETs
  • Module 3: Community-driven Fundraising for NEETs’ Initiatives 

Whether you’re in România, España, or Ελλάδα, join us in transforming entrepreneurial education and empowering the next generation of digital entrepreneurs.

Dive in and get certified! Explore our innovative tools and resources designed to foster entrepreneurship across Europe.

Start your journey to entrepreneurship now: http://entreneet.eu 

#ErasmusPlus #Erasmus+ #YouthEmpowerment #LeadersInInnovation #SocialChange #InnovationInEducation #NEETs #Digitalskills #sustainableenterprisingskills #EntrepreneurshipEducation #StartYourJourney #GetCertified #CertificationCentres #certificates #Ítaca #HELIXCONNECT #YET

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