EU Project Activate your strengths – Digital Youth Exchange

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YET was happy to participate in “Activate your strengths“ Erasmus+ Project. The first part of the project was supposed to take place in Berlin but due to the pandemic all the partners were positive to host the weekly event online. The digital Youth Exchange hosted 30 young people from Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania, Spain and Ukraine. 

For 7 days (02 – 08 December 2020) our young participants –college students- enjoyed individual morning activities designed to boost their mental health (journaling, meditation); there were also evening group workshops on character strengths, positive psychology, challenges and chances of the job market, design thinking, strategies for success in job interviews, international activities and networking. 

Some participants’ testimonial:

“It was a great surprise to discover how funny and deep an Erasmus+ project online can be and discover more about myself and others.”
“Learned I should not be afraid to share my voice and that spaces of co-creation are super empowering.”
“This project helped us to meet people from different countries and various cultures and opinions. In addition, we improved our mental health in very creative workshops that also helped us build self-confidence. We got a lot of new ideas and enjoyed these sessions .We hope to have the opportunity to participate again.”

The exchange project was lead by Fahrten Ferne Abenteuer Abenteuerzentrum Berlin and developed and implemented in cooperation with AKtive Kosmos, Teach for Romania, Sztukater, Територія ідей – Territory of ideas. This project is funded by Erasmus+ EU Program. 

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