EU Project – DIYouth Virtual Kick-off Meeting

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DIYouth (Digital Youth Training on Creative & Cultural Digital Entrepreneurship) is an approved Erasmus+ EU Project that was launched online December 2021. It connects with the Cultural and Creative sectors which are of great economic importance and were among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

These sectors also spur innovation across the EU economy, as well as contribute to numerous other channels for positive social impact, such as well-being and health, education, inclusion, urban regeneration amongst others. It is estimated that these sectors account for about 5.5% of jobs (widely employing youth) within the EU (OECD, 2020) and that especially the venue-based cultural & creative infrastructures will suffer a long-lasting decline due to the pandemic.

DIYouth aims to develop a transnational (non-formal education) youth and youth worker training programme containing a youth training toolkit on cultural and creative digital entrepreneurship (CCDE) with YOUTHPASS, DigComp and EntreComp certification options; moreover, a train the trainers toolkit (based on Educational Testing Service, with EntreComp and DigCompEdu certification options) enabling youth workers to improve the quality and effectiveness of their digital & entrepreneurial training capability; lastly a CCDE Digital Accelerator Platform helping youth put their ideas into the market in collaboration with investors, policy makers, customers and other creative & cultural actors.

It will also deliver a series of celebratory creative conferences, three of them as teasers for Timisoara2023 (Romania), Novi Sad2023 (Serbia) and Elefsina2023 (Greece) EU Capitals of Culture. The end-goal is to boost the digitalization of the cultural & creative sector in an environmentally sustainable and heritage-protective manner while enabling digital job opportunities and employment.

DIYouth consortium is comprised of Helixconnect Europe (Romania), ISQe (Portugal), “Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture” Foundation (Serbia),“Timisoara 2021 –  European Capital of Culture” Association  (Romania),  West University of Timisoara (Romania), and YET (Greece). The official website and social media of DIYouth will be live soon, please stay tuned for updates of the project.

#digitalskills #digitaleducation #digitalcompetences #skillsdevelopment #euprojects #culture #creativeeconomy #youthworkers #creativeentrepreneurship #culturalentrepreneurship #inclusiveeducation #erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus  #yetngo

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