EU Project – superYOUTH virtual Kick-off Meeting

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superYOUTH is an approved Erasmus+ project that focuses on training and engaging youth in debunking Disinformation, Misinformation, and Malinformation (DMM) in order to achieve a democratic, informed and more crisis-responsive EU society.

Nowadays, with the proliferation of digital media, access to internet and tech-savvy youth, online communication is under fire. As the digital environment is widely open and free, orchestrated campaigns are generally causing three types of recognized information-driven malice: DMM. Especially during crises, societal changes, and radical innovation deployments, the impact of DMM on youths that do not have the proper skills to properly assess online content leads to intrinsic and deep-rooted challenges that can negatively shape the next generation of European citizens.

On that note, the project superYOUTH aims to develop a transnational youth worker training programme achieving three main results towards fighting DMM. First, the programme will develop a non-formal curriculum integrated into open MOOCs for youth learners; second, it will provide a train the trainers toolkit on DMM (based on the DigComp framework) that will enable youth workers to improve the quality and effectiveness of their teaching; third, an open-access platform moderated by experts will be created, where young people can report fake news and ask for advice. Finally, it will organize a series of citizen information days in Romania, Greece, Cyprus and Italy based on UNESCO’s fake news training toolkit which will be extended with a behavioural element to fight youth’s pre-existing biases formed through DMM exposure. Additionally, superYOUTH will provide certification according to YOUTHPASS (for youth participants) and DigComp (for youth workers) and create an alumni network of qualified fake news experts.

superYOUTH will primarily train 100 youth participants in the virtual pilot events (from whom 50 will apply for YOUTHPASS certificates, at least 25% will come from groups at risk, and 30% will be interested in further youth studies) and directly involve 100 youth workers in the virtual pilot events, from whom at least 15 will get a DigComp certification. Furthermore, at least 300 youth and youth workers outside the project will receive the results of superYOUTH and the number of the additional target groups (regulators, policymakers, NGOs, Media outlets, etc) engaged in the online platform will reach at least 600. The number of other types of training institutions (beyond youth) that will incorporate superYOUTH’s outputs will be at least 30, and finally, a minimum of 200 people will participate in the four multiplier events and an overall number of 9500 people will be reached throughout the dissemination campaigns.

The project’s kick-off meeting took place online and YET is delighted to be an partner, among a great consortium.

superYOUTH Partners:

  • Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO, Italy
  • Digital Communication Network Global, Greece
  • Helixconnect Europe S.R.L, Romania
  • YET, Greece
  • C.I.P. (Citizens In Power), Cuprus
  • Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, Italy
  • DPO Compliance Consulting, Italy

#digitaleducation #erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus #yetngo #misinformation #disinformation #malinformation #fakenews #propaganda #medialiteracy

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