Disinfo Hackathon

You are Invited to Participate in the Disinfo Hackathon! About this event It takes an ecosystem to challenge and tackle misinformation. A weekend of co-creation and search for new ideas and workable solutions to combat misinformation in the context of TIF 2022, in the heart of innovation. We invite you to become part of the […]
EU Project – superYOUTH official website launch

We are more than excited to announce the launch of the official superYOUTH Project website! The approved Erasmus+ project focuses on training and engaging youth in debunking Disinformation, Misinformation, and Malinformation (DMM) and we welcome you to join our efforts. Stay up to date with our news online and be the first to know about: […]
EU Project – superYOUTH virtual Kick-off Meeting

superYOUTH is an approved Erasmus+ project that focuses on training and engaging youth in debunking Disinformation, Misinformation, and Malinformation (DMM) in order to achieve a democratic, informed and more crisis-responsive EU society. Nowadays, with the proliferation of digital media, access to internet and tech-savvy youth, online communication is under fire. As the digital environment is […]
DisinfoHacks Launch Event

We are proud and happy to announce the launch of “DisinfoHacks” Project. DisinfoHacks is an innovative training program that aims to train communication and media stakeholders and influencers on how to identify and combat disinformation, one of the greatest challenges that modern societies are facing currently. We are honored to be co-organisers along with DCN […]