SEA (Smart Entrepreneurship Accelerator) SKG Infoday 07-07-2022
Register your participation in the cross-border accelerator Take part in the cross-border accelerator and claim cash prizes and services The Cross-border Accelerator opens
YET began its activities in 2008, in Thessaloniki, Greece, as an unofficial group. Since 2014, it is a registered NGO, aiming to support young and future entrepreneurs.
Register your participation in the cross-border accelerator Take part in the cross-border accelerator and claim cash prizes and services The Cross-border Accelerator opens
We are more than excited to announce the launch of the official superYOUTH Project website! The approved Erasmus+ project focuses on training and
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain), Helixconnect Europe (Romania), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Netherlands), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), ISQ e-learning (Portugal), Universidad de Almeria
We were glad to participate -at last- at our offline Transnational Project Meeting for our digiLEAP Erasmus+ EU Project! The meeting took place
superYOUTH is an approved Erasmus+ project that focuses on training and engaging youth in debunking Disinformation, Misinformation, and Malinformation (DMM) in order to
NEWSLETTER 2 – April 2022 LET US SHARE WITH YOU OUR LATEST RESULTS… The partners of EU-TeachPaaS project, ACEEU GmbH, Helixconnect Europe S.R.L.,