MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) Startup session

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YET was happy to host a guest lecture session for the MSc Course MBIT (Management Business Innovation and Technology) offered by City College, University of York Europe Campus and Școala Națională De Studii Politice Și Administrative, in Romania. Our startup guest for the session was Oviview (a video-interviewing platform that connects professionals with applicants). Oviview CEO Asterios Kritikos gave a great storytelling of his experience, insights about the necessary skills, the milestones, affect and reaction to COVID and his plans for the future of Oviview.

YET is always excited to facilitate networking, knowledge sharing and real business life experience between startups and academic life.
#entrepreneurship #innovation #education #onlineeducation #guestlecture  #startups #leanstartup #networking #citycollegethess #yetngo #oviview

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