After Google I/O 2018 By the Sea – Crete

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GDG DevFests are large, community-run developer events happening around the globe focused on community building and learning about Google’s technologies.

GDG Heraklion organized an unforgettable 3 day conference (June 15-17, 2018) in Heraklion, Crete.

#AfterIO18Crete brought together developers from around the globe for talks, hands-on learning with Google developers experts, top-notch developers, local developers and a first look at the latest developer products.

 More than 750 developers, tech enthusiasts, startups, academia, students and entrepreneurs participated.


Sessions of the event included:
• Dedicated sessions on Android, Web, Cloud Machine Learning and latest technologies
• Codelabs – Live Code Sessions
• Expo Sandbox – Showcase
• Demo zones with latest of Google and other tech: Big Data, face recognition, VR, IoT
• Training Workshops
• Dedicated sessions on design thinking, Google Design Sprint tutorials and latest updates in UX-UI
• Job opportunities, partnerships and HR. A whole day dedicated to companies & resources match-making


YET President Mr Vassilis Tsoulis was invited speaker and moderator. He gave a talk on Business Digitalization, presenting YET’s participation in DiFens Erasmus+ EU Project. Also, he moderated a very interesting session on Enabling Growth throughout technology with representatives of the Triple Helix and event participants on how to use technology as enabler for growth and wealth.

#AfterIO18Crete #io18 #io18Extended #gdg #gde #google #GDGGreece #yetngo


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