EU Project – DIEM Kick-off meeting, Amsterdam

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We’re thrilled to share the highlights from the recent kick-off meeting of the DIEM Doctoral Network Project, an Horizon MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) initiative that’s poised to redefine the future of blockchain innovation and research. 

At the heart of this project lies a mission to train a new generation of entrepreneurial, innovative, and resilient doctoral candidates, empowering them to tackle current and future challenges. These individuals will be adept at converting knowledge and ideas into real-world products and services, driving economic and social progress. 

A Confluence of Expertise

DIEM is more than just a project; it’s a collaborative powerhouse that brings together academic, government, and industry expertise. Their collective strength allows them to holistically investigate the managerial, economic, and societal implications of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). 

But DIEM doesn’t stop at research; it’s building an international network of interdisciplinary scholars, organizations, and institutions across sectors. Our goal? To support cutting-edge innovation in DLT. 🤝

A Tapestry of Research Areas

The heart of DIEM lies in its 12 research areas, each hosting individual PhD projects that are interconnected and complementary to one another. These areas include:

  • Strategies for Blockchain Innovation
  • Blockchain-enabled corporate digital innovation architectures
  • Blockchain Business Models
  • Blockchain, smart contracts, and the optimal firm vertical scope
  • Blockchain Organizations & Governance Mechanisms
  • Differences in the Dissemination of Digitized & Digitalized Innovations
  • Role of Network Properties on Blockchain Diffusion Processes
  • Blockchain end-user adoption and societal challenges
  • Blockchain for responsible business I: planet
  • Blockchain for responsible business II: humanity
  • Blockchain in Government

Kick-off in Amsterdam

The journey began in Amsterdam on the 17th of April at the prestigious Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. The kick-off meeting had a packed agenda, featuring:

  • Welcome/Introduction
  • Consortium Design & Introductions
  • Governance
  • Lunch
  • Project Design
  • Recruiting
  • Communication, Reporting, and Budget
  • Roadmap with Deliverables and Timeline Events
  • Wrap-up
  • Drinks

The kick-off meeting hosted an exceptional group of talented professionals, and we’d like to introduce you to them. Take a moment to connect and learn from their expertise by following their LinkedIn profiles:

Brian Tjemkes (VU),

Andreas Alexiou (VU),

Tommy Apostolidis (DU),

Marja Thomassen (SAP),

Giannis Mylopoulos (YET),

Efstathios Papanikolaou (MINDGOV),

Olivier Hilbers (CRH),

Ali Najafbagy (ALINE / 4Impact),

Fabrizio Salvador – (IEU),

Juan Santaló (IEU),

Patrick Mikalef (NTNU),

Natalie Soyseth (NTNU),

Filip Jessen (NTNU),

Kim Zandvliet (VU),

Alessio Bucaioni (WEST),

Barbara Bracone (WEST),

Paul Thomas (ACCFR),

Emmanuel Viale (ACCFR),

Krsto Pandza (UL),

A Promising Future Ahead

The DIEM Doctoral Network Project is more than just a project; it’s a vision of a brighter, more innovative future. With the convergence of academic, government, and industry expertise, and the dedication to training a new generation of transformative thinkers, DIEM is set to shape the blockchain landscape. 

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