EU Project – DIYOUTH Multiplier Event & Transnational Project Meeting

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The results and handy documents produced within the EU Erasmus+ project #DIYouth – “Digital Youth Training on Creative & Cultural Digital Entrepreneurship” were presented at the dissemination event “A new generation of young European entrepreneurs in the creative and cultural sector”. The event was hosted in Fundația Județeană pentru Tineret Timiș (FITT), Timisoara, Romania, Friday, May 5. The participants learned from the experiences of other young entrepreneurs from Timișoara and identified new financing options in the cultural and creative sector!

We thank the moderator Nadia Tismăneanu, the guests Vlad Tăușance and Raluca Iacob (Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara) who provided a clear context of the cultural and creative sector at local, national and international level, as well as the young women who opened their hearts, sharing from their own experiences as a young entrepreneurs: Maria Dimian (Maria Dimian photography), Anitta Pelin (Spații Noi) and Daliana Pavel (Kaolith).

On behalf of the DIYouth partners the Western University of Timișoara, Timișoara 2021 Association – European Capital of Culture and YET presented the deliverables (training material, certification procedure, platform) of DIYouth project.

A hybrid transnational project meeting also took place, where the consortium celebrated the successful delivery of all results and discussed the closing and final report of the project.

The DIYouth consortium, coordinated by the Western University of Timișoara (RO), includes as institutional partners: Helixconnect Europe (RO), the Timișoara 2021 Association – European Capital of Culture (RO), ISQe (PT), the Novi Sad 2022 Foundation – European Capital of Culture (SR), YET AMKE (GR).

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