EU Project – PreMETS Kick-off Meeting Greece

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On August 28th and 29th, Thessaloniki witnessed a significant gathering aimed at fostering the future of Predictive Maintenance Education & Training in Europe. At the heart of this endeavor was the kick-off meeting for the “PreMETS – Predictive Maintenance Education & Training System” project. This is an Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation project, designed to propel European innovation in predictive maintenance through a multidimensional approach encompassing entrepreneurial cooperation, education, and training. YET is glas to be pareticipating in this project. 

CERTH, the Consortium leader, generously hosted the event at their premises, providing a conducive environment for the partners to engage, share, and innovate. With a reputation for leading-edge research and expertise, CERTH’s role as the anchor for this meeting was apt and appreciated by all attendees.

The spectrum of partners for this project speaks to its depth and reach. ACCELI, ATLANTIS Engineering, HELIXCONNECT Europe, University of Pireus, WEGEMT, LCIC, MUB, EITM, DB, ISIM, and YET joined forces, bringing varied expertise to the table. The blend of academic institutions, research centers, industry leaders, and innovator organisations set the tone for a holistic approach to the project’s objectives.

A highlight of the meeting was the presentation by Work Package leaders, shedding light on the tasks and deliverables that form the backbone of the PreMETS initiative:

WP1 – Project Management and Coordination: This foundational WP is dedicated to ensuring seamless coordination and streamlined project management.

WP2 – Predictive Manufacturing Training Content Development: Focusing on creating cutting-edge, industry-relevant training content, ensuring participants gain valuable, actionable insights.

WP3 – Microcredential Certification Framework: Aiming to establish a recognized certification system, adding credibility and weight to the training.

WP4 – PreMETS Predictive Manufacturing Platform: The technological heart of the project, where predictive manufacturing training tools and techniques will be consolidated.

WP5 – Work-based Learning Pilots: A practical approach to training, offering real-world experience and learnings to participants.

WP6 – Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure the project’s efficacy, this WP focuses on regular monitoring, feedback collection, and iterative improvement.

WP7 – Impact, Dissemination & Exploitation: Aimed at maximizing the project’s reach, influence, and sustainability by leveraging multiple dissemination channels and ensuring the project’s findings and tools are accessible to a wider audience.

The kick-off meeting in Thessaloniki was more than just a ceremonial start. It was a gathering of minds committed to redefining the landscape of Predictive Maintenance Education & Training in Europe. 

PreMETS Project Partners:

#PremetsKickoff #ErasmusPlus #PredictiveMaintenance #training #entrepreneurialcooperation #skillsdevelopment #yetngo

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