EU Project – TeachPaaS Newsletter IO2 – IO3

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NEWSLETTER 2 – April 2022


The partners of EU-TeachPaaS project, ACEEU GmbH, Helixconnect Europe S.R.L., ISQ e-learning, SA, Universidad de Almería, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO and YET, we have successfully developed and delivered the IO2 and IO3 intellectual outputs.


IO2 Digital education crash-course for students (as a support tool for lecturers): consists of 4 competence units (CUs), bridged to encompass the 6th pillar of DigCompEdu (Facilitating learners’ digital competences).  IO2 boosts the digital readiness of students towards engaging in online education by helping them to become familiar with operating and maximising the efficient use of online learning environments. It boosts their professional development skills in online education while encouraging them to develop personal and psychological wellbeing skills such as self-motivation and fighting the sense of isolation. Also, it helps them “Relearning” how to learn and change their mindset towards online education. Furthermore, it allows EU-TeachPaaS to extend the competences provided via DigCompEdu to solve local challenges and training needs. The involved pilots being developed will help Eu-TeachPaaS to assess the effectiveness of the generated outputs (both content-wise and OER digital formats-wise, ensuring the imposed OER quality standards for usability, engagement, etc.) with regards to the primary target group of this IO: students.

This first EQF6 crash course (OER) with ECTS accreditation is the first digital education skills crash-course for students that includes skills, abilities and competences and the only course that adopts a story-based approach (“persona”) for the learning process and a virtual-simulator for assessment. For each CU, partners defined and validated the content and all learning objectives were peer-reviewed in order to ensure relevance and achieve ECTS Accreditation. All the developed content was created as a result of the research conducted by partners and it translates global best practices into tailor made solutions to support local challenges and realities (i.e students attending universities from peripheries vs those from big urban centres).

The proposed content and assessment development was done based on the EQUIS methodology and was placed in the following digital formats:

  • PPTs (slides) – with and without voice & video-over (to support both synchronous and asynchronous deliveries) – 100 per CU and 500 in total
  • Videos – 1 per CU and 5 in total
  • Story-based animations / teasers – 1 per CU and 5 in total
  • Virtual simulator (as assessment) – 1 simulator with different scenarios for each CU
  • Webquests – 1 per CU, 5 in total
  • Infographics & concept maps – 1 per CU, 5 in total
  • Online summative assessment (multiple-choice) – 30 questions per CU, 150 in total
  • Integrated e-booklet/PDF – 1 integrated booklet (100 pages)


IO3–Digital transformation toolkit for university lecturers: (synchronous & asynchronous) online education delivery: this deliverable emerges from the efforts of TeachPaaS to boost the digital readiness of academic lecturers towards delivering online education by helping them to facilitate professional engagement. It helps them better select and use digital resources to facilitate effective teaching and learning in an online environment and empowers them to develop an innovative digital assessment tailored around the needs of all students (inclusivity). In addition, it learns them how to empower learners by boosting their digital competences and enabling inclusion in online education.

At the same time, it helps EU-TeachPaaS extend the competences provided via DigCompEdu to solve local challenges and training needs. The involved pilots that are being developed, will help Eu-TeachPaaS to assess the effectiveness of the developed outputs (both content-wise and OER digital formats-wise, ensuring the imposed OER quality standards for usability, engagement, etc) with regards to the main target group of this IO: university lecturers.

IO3 aims to boost the digital readiness of academic lecturers in terms of helping them shift to digital teaching in both synchronous and asynchronous education delivery. In order to mitigate the identified training needs, the competence units (CUs) provided by the DigCompEdu framework (DigCompEdu, 2020) were utilised as main guide. This toolkit comprises a set of hands-on guidelines and best practices that academic lecturers can utilise to improve their digital readiness based on the following CUs:

CU1: Professional engagement

CU2: Digital resources

CU3: Teaching and learning

CU4: Assessment

CU5: Empowering learners

CU6: Facilitating learners’ digital competences (in IO2)

The content & assessment developed by partners are placed in the following digital formats to suit the training of academic lecturers:

  • PPTs (slides) – with and without voice & video-over – 100 slides per CU, 500 in total
  • Videos – 1 per CU, 5 in total
  • Case studies – 5 per CU, 25 in total
  • Integrated e-booklet/PDF – 1 integrated booklet (100 pages)

Deliverables for IO2 and IO3 intellectual outputs were based on all partners’ responsible research, innovative practices, and matter-of-fact digital education needs. Every piece of content was designed to be used in several formats ensuring it is engaging, informative, and impactful. 

#digitalskills #digitaleducation #digitalcompetences #skillsdevelopment #euprojects #inclusiveeducation #effectivelearning #personalizedlearning #erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus #yetngo

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