SEA (Smart Entrepreneurship Accelerator) SKG Infoday 07-07-2022

Register your participation in the cross-border accelerator Take part in the cross-border accelerator and claim cash prizes and services The Cross-border Accelerator opens its doors Leading market people, experts, senior executives, professionals, and academics, working together to support your idea. YET, Evros Chamber of Commerce, BICC – Sandanski, I.A.T.A.P. (Institute of Technology & Human Resources) […]
EU Project – SEA hybrid Kick-off Meeting

The time came to have our Interreg Greece-Bulgaria Project hybrid kick-off meeting (after the virtual one back in July) at Alexandroupolis, Greece early December 2021. Project SEA (Smart Cross-border Entrepreneurship Accelerator) is an ambitious cross-border project pursuing tangible and sustainable results. The project’s main objective is to improve the regional business support system and empower […]
EU Project RiEcoLab – Ecosystem Integration Lab

The EIT’s HEI Initiative helps higher education institutions build the capacity to teach innovation and entrepreneurship. Universities have a critical role to play in the development and growth of local and regional innovation ecosystems. This new initiative will help them boost their entrepreneurial capabilities at all levels and unlock their innovation potential. RiEcoLab (Responsible Innovation-Led […]
Student Pitch Judging at City College

We were happy to be invited to attend a Pitching event at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, Thessaloniki. Business Department Students presented their apps/webapps relating to tourism focused solutions and applications. We had the opportunity to attend several innovative concept notes and business plans, and touch upon their views and ideas on what […]