EU Project – CoopSkills: Skills Empowerment for Cooperative Business Start-up

YET was the Greek partner of the fourth virtual job shadowing of “CoopSkills: Skills Empowerment for Cooperative Business Start-up” Erasmus+ Project. The Project was led by Irecoop Emilia-Romagna, Italy. This fourth virtual job shadowing took place virtually in Greece, between Thessaloniki, Athens, Lamia and Crete. From 23 to 27 November 2020, the participants (staff of […]

CROSS EUWBA EU Project Thessaloniki Pitching Event

CROSS EUWBA EU Project Thessaloniki Pitching Event  – (Date to post 03.12.2018) The project “CrossEUWBA” (or “Enhancing the cross-sector emergence of new women business angels across Europe”) is a project co-funded by the European Union. The project pursues the overall objective of facilitating the funding of women entrepreneurs (WE) through women business angels (WBAs) and […]

StartupCity Europe Partnership (SCEP) Launched

StartupCity Europe Partnership (SCEP) Initiative, is part of Startup Europe Partnership (SEP) platform. SCEP will be led by Mind the Bridge to foster the development of interconnected startup strategies at the local level. Mayors of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Heraklion (Greece) Malaga and Seville (Spain), Varna (Bulgaria) are among the earliest signatories. Representatives from Coimbra and Braga […]