EU-TeachPaaS EU Project Kick-off meeting

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EU-TeachPaaS (Pan-EU network of digital education passport centres in higher education) is an EU Funded Erasmus+ Project. It aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres in higher education that will provide training and certification for university lecturers, administrators and students, operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs. 

EU-TeachPaaS is a highly-dynamic and flexible consortium that responds in a short time with the development of solutions and is dedicated to provide a substantial amount of resources into achieving the envisioned outputs. With these efforts, EU-TeachPaas modernises existing capabilities of EU universities to deliver online education (as the developed training is not subject-specific and can be used as a universal digital transformation/training framework for universities). By involving a university accreditation body as well as software developers for educational content, EU-TeachPaaS will capitalise the effort of the university and market-partners of its consortium and deliver high-quality digital content that will bring an immediate impact to its uptakers.

EU-TeachPaaS Partners:

#digitalskills #digitaleducation #digitalcompetences #skillsdevelopment #euprojects #inclusiveeducation #effectivelearning #personalizedlearning #yetngo #erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus

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